Toe Monsters of Cheddar Gorge

I’ve been working on a new project. It’s in it’s infancy, but if you want to check it out go to:


About a month ago I was at my friend’s house, and his son, Kobe (aged 4), kept going out into the back garden barefoot. This annoyed my friend, as Kobe kept tracking in mud and grass to the house. I decided that the best way forward was to tell Kobe about the “Toe Monsters!” The gist of the story, simple as it was, is that if children go outside without their shoes and socks the Toe Monsters will track them down and eat their feet.

It turns out that 4 year-old boys are fascinated by monsters, and ask searching questions. Thus began a battle of wills. For example, according to Kobe, Toe Monsters don’t exist because Alex says so.

Hence, in a likely futile batttle of wills, I’ve create the website. Can I fool Kobe? Time will tell.

It’s also a really fun story. With the help of my friend, and our combined kids, we’re going to prototype a Toe Monsters board game. Hopefully it will be fun, time will tell.

By admin