About the author

Rich Hill - Author of Mars Rovers
Rich Hill – Author of Mars Rovers

This is fledgling, I didn’t mean to this. I’ve accidentally written a novella, which sounds a bit pretentious, but I’m not sure what else to call it. I say accidentally, I didn’t slip on a banana skin or sleep talk to a voice recorder, that would be ridiculous. One Sunday, I had nothing to do, so decided to write a short story for my daughter, expecting it to take a couple of hours and produce a few pages of text. Instead, the words and ideas didn’t stop flowing. Here I am, two months later, with just over 19 thousand words. I have a day job, so this has been around that. 

I’ve shown it to the usual suspects – friends, family, and vague acquaintances – most of whom like me, some of them even love me. Obviously, their opinion doesn’t count. I’m curious to know if any real people like it, which would be gratifying, but not essential. Whatever happens next, I’m going to continue, as I’m having too much fun. 

So how do I find out? I do this, of course, publish it to Kindle and see what, if anything, happens.

This is supposed to be about me, so here goes. I’m Rich Hill, nice to meet you. This isn’t my day job, at least not at the moment, but who knows what might happen in the future.  By day … that sounds like a superhero introduction, which I’m obviously not, but I’ll continue … by day I work as a CTO for a software scale up.  I have a daughter, who is wonderful, and the inspiration for writing Mars Rovers.  Outside of that, it’s all the F’s; Family, Friends, Football, Food, Fun, and now … drumroll please … Fiction.